Monday, January 01, 2007

my job is going to cause a stroke

Friday was so bad it has taken me 2 days to get around to writing about it. Before I expand on that, I have to say the sunrise this morning is about as gorgeous as they get. Ok, back to friday. So it starts off with the information that the fill in tech who is supposed to cover the the closing shift apparently can't handle 8 hours at a time. Especially in a busy store. So he'll be coming in a couple hours late. And, by the way, the only spot he handles well is counting. So I was on the register and putting away the order. Pissed off already because they cut our hours so we are already working short handed and now this tech can't handle it, and is the busiest week of the month, and theres holidays which bring out the asshole in everybody. So I'm doing ok, endless line of people at the register, when this lady wants a box of sudafed. As I'm writing her name in the log book, she informs me that I have spelled her name wrong, using an i instead of e. I apologized, quickly, cuz theres a bunch more people in line, when she goes ballistic over it. She's yelling at me that it matters to her, blah. blah, blah. I had already said sorry, I wasn't going to kiss her ass too. By the time she got done being a bitch I was so pissed off that I went to the back corner and kicked a file box. It kept me from reaching across the counter and bitch slapping her. But before my blood pressure could come down from that one, I get one who unloads her damn groceries for me to ring up, and she wants them done seprately from her prescription. I point out the 7 or so people behind her and she could give a shit. So I rang up her fricking groceries and I'm litierally throwing her stuff into bags and shes all concerned about her greeting cards getting bent. Heres a clue for the dumbass: if you want your groceries bagged right, then go to checkstand like a normal person, and have the courtesy clerk do it. I'm trained to get your pills right, not how to pack your groceries. So her total is like $80.00 and she starts to ask me "Wasn't this on sale?", sees the look on my face and finally catches on. The woman is line behind her is by then making all kinds of comments about rude idiots holding up the line, etc. The whole day was just a series of these people. So its taken 2 days to get my neck muscles to relax enough to turn my head. Now if I could just figure out how to get the rest of me to relax.................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I found your blog by random search...

Just wanted to say, even though your posts are infrequent they make me laugh every time. I watch other customers behavior all the time, and wonder to myself how the people behind the counter cope.

Keep posting!


5:37 AM  
Blogger These people handle your food said...

Thanks for the comment. I'll try to remember to cross posts my blogs more often. Have a great day.

6:20 AM  

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