Sunday, January 21, 2007

gotta love a crime show

So this week saw the arrest of one of our druggies. It seems shes a major supplier of hydrocodone to the high school set, using her son as the middle man. She was using a stolen script pad, multiple pharmacies and multiple names. Her downfall was sending her son to pick up the prescription with her insurance card in hand. Somewhere along the line the criminal always fucks up. And what kind of mother teaches her son to be pusher? I wonder if she has any daughters and what street corner they are hooking on? Or maybe she traded them for hydrocodone. Another dumbass this week, who was taking 12+ lortabs a day wondered why we were concerned that she had used 380 in less than a month. Gee lady, could it be your doctor is setting you up for a future liver transplant? You just can't take over 6 grams of tylenol a day and expect your liver to keep working. Nevermind how much hydrocodone your getting. Also this week, management threw out one of our users for good. Shes white trash, covered in jailhouse tats, begs for drugs every chance she gets, etc. She found out this week that calling members of the pharmacy staff a bitch will get your skanky ass thrown out, and good riddance. She can go do the DT's dance in some other store.
On a personal note, my neck still won't unknot itself, but I did not have to resist the urge to bitchslap any customers this week. Thats got to be a record, a whole week, wtf? Am I too tired to care, or are the customers actually starting to calm down? Did someone dump a truckload of valium in the aquifer recently? I'm going with too tired to care. I'm also working on a mantra "the customers don't run the pharmacy". I keep telling myself, so when they start to bitch I can just give the hairy eyeball and they shut right up. Just have to make sure that eye doesn't pop right out eventually.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So last night I go to my local Eckerd pharmacy to pick up a perscription we'd dropped off about an hour earlier. My insurance information has changed and is apparently somewhat complicated (a lot of other people I work with mentioned that the pharmacy hasn't seen insurance like ours before and it takes a few minutes to change it over). So anyway - I was there watching for a few minutes and got to see two fun interactions:

-Someone that was in to refill their oxycodone (sp?) just four days earlier and needed more because she "dropped it down the shower drain." What? Who takes their pills in the shower? Who doesn't have a stopper on their shower?

-In NY State you have to sign a log book to get Sudafed. Some guy comes up to the counter and asks for Sudafed. The guy grabs some and hands the dude the log book. The guy starts screaming about how this is too hard and screw this place. It's the law guy -- good luck at the next pharmacy you walk in to.

Anyway, thought I'd share. If I saw that in ten minutes I can only imagine what an 8 hour shift looks like.

5:41 AM  
Blogger These people handle your food said...

I love the idiots who think they get sudafed with out signing, its nationwide, you have to do it everywhere. As for the shower drain, good point, who the hell takes pills in the shower? And you would be amazed by how many of them take their narcatics over the toilet, mind boggling.....

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

4:46 PM  

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