Wednesday, June 20, 2007

same shit, different day

So, I've been back at work for a few days and whats changed? Oh yeah, nothing. Same dumbass questions, like, "Is my prescription ready? Yes it is. can I pick it up? NO! We only filled it for our own entertainment and you can not have it. Penalty minutes for the woman who asked if her prescription was ready and when told yes, insisted I go back and look, just to make sure I'm not a total dumbass who makes up answers to appease the idiots who call all frickin day long asking if their prescriptions are ready. Then there was one who called and said to fill all her prescriptions. I asked which ones, exactly, did she want? Her reply " I don't know, just fill whatevers there, I'm sure I need it." Really? You don't know what any of it is, or what its for, but you need it. Sure Bucky. And also, tell me why an 89 year old woman needs a vaginal hormone ring? She can't even get her ID out of her wallet, hows she gonna get that ring in there? More important, she supposed to replace it in 90 days, she couldn't remember where aisle 10 is, let alone that there is a rotting estrogen ring up her snatch. Please let me be off the day she comes in to ask about that one. And as an added bonus, we have floater pharmacists this week. The first one arrived with a dream interpretation book and proceded to tell us her whole weeks full of dreams and the meanings behind them. I could have told her that without even cracking open the book. Look lady, you're just fricking nuts. I couldn't even pretend I was interested in the conversation. Thank God I wasn't the only one there, I would have had to cut my wrists.


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