Thursday, January 25, 2007


Must Blog
The corporate morons have done it again. It seems they negotiated a contract with a hospice organization and neglected to tell us peons what was coming. So suddenly theres 100 scripts on the fax for new patients, the insurance has been set up wrong and nobody knows what the hells going on. Standard day in corporate pharmacy. Did I mention I quit? I'm sure I quit at least 157 times today. Maybe I can hit 200 tomorrow. Funny how no one believes me. Hmmm. The regular patients are all in need of a chill pill or 12 too. They were just flat mean today. Why do people have such a hard time understanding the concept of a yearly deductable? If I tattoo an explanation on my forehead I can save myself a bunch of time explaning it to the boneheads every year. But then they would come up with something else they just don't get, and I'd run out of space. It appears I may have the whole weekend off, I'm looking for a hole to crawl into.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

gotta love a crime show

So this week saw the arrest of one of our druggies. It seems shes a major supplier of hydrocodone to the high school set, using her son as the middle man. She was using a stolen script pad, multiple pharmacies and multiple names. Her downfall was sending her son to pick up the prescription with her insurance card in hand. Somewhere along the line the criminal always fucks up. And what kind of mother teaches her son to be pusher? I wonder if she has any daughters and what street corner they are hooking on? Or maybe she traded them for hydrocodone. Another dumbass this week, who was taking 12+ lortabs a day wondered why we were concerned that she had used 380 in less than a month. Gee lady, could it be your doctor is setting you up for a future liver transplant? You just can't take over 6 grams of tylenol a day and expect your liver to keep working. Nevermind how much hydrocodone your getting. Also this week, management threw out one of our users for good. Shes white trash, covered in jailhouse tats, begs for drugs every chance she gets, etc. She found out this week that calling members of the pharmacy staff a bitch will get your skanky ass thrown out, and good riddance. She can go do the DT's dance in some other store.
On a personal note, my neck still won't unknot itself, but I did not have to resist the urge to bitchslap any customers this week. Thats got to be a record, a whole week, wtf? Am I too tired to care, or are the customers actually starting to calm down? Did someone dump a truckload of valium in the aquifer recently? I'm going with too tired to care. I'm also working on a mantra "the customers don't run the pharmacy". I keep telling myself, so when they start to bitch I can just give the hairy eyeball and they shut right up. Just have to make sure that eye doesn't pop right out eventually.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sometimes time just gets away from me and I don't realize how long its been since my last blog. I'm a slacker. As much bitching as I do about my job, I'm now going to work more hours, cuz I need the bucks. Its either more pharmacy hours or a paper route. I'll work 4 10 hour shifts at my regular store and float a couple shifts a week in other stores. Please wake me when I'm dead. I'll likely end up in other really busy stores, but at least it will be different set of customers. Every store has its addicts, idiots, assholes and the obviously inbred. Only the percentages in each category are different. And all operate under the same corporate morons, who haven't set foot in a pharmacy for about 100 years, and so have absolutely no clue how the real world works. So maybe when I go pharmaceutical it will be in some other store. And maybe someday I will be able to un-knot the muscles and nerves in my neck and be able to feel my hands and feet normally (or at least relatively so) and get rid of the tension headache that I've had for a couple weeks now. Did I mention that I may go pharmaceutical soon? Oh yeah, think I did. Crap, I'm starting to repeat myself now. I think I'll take up binge drinking, maybe I'll start now. Its 5 o'clock somewhere. No one ever said it had to be PM.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

blogs I forgot to cross post from myspace

Tuesday was deceptivley quiet. Apparently all the complaining customers were slow to awaken from the Christmas hangover and so waited a couple of days before making my life hell again. Christmas was a very nice and needed break from them. Even Wednesday morning was looking pretty promising, but then Wham!!, they woke up and realized that they hadn't pissed anybody off yet and needed to catch up. First theres the woman (she sure as hell ain't no lady) who thinks her doctor should spend several hours of his time trying to get a prior authorization for her to save $8.49. For real. She actually had a fit at me on the phone when I told her her doctor had refused. Then there was the man who raised holy hell because our supplier is out of the combo med he wants and so he has to take 2 seperate drugs instead. He threatened to go to another pharmacy, but backed off that when we offered to transfer it for him. Damn. He's a bastard every time he comes in, I was so hoping it was our chance to get rid of him. While we are running people out, can we get rid of the toothless, meth addict asshole on welfare, who smells like he rolls in an ashtray and sits drinking starbucks and glaring at us while he waits impatiently for his percocet? Or how about the whole morphine support group who brings in and picks up each others meds and then claim they didn't get enough. And especially the whole families of hydrocodone addicts. I can think of 7 families right off the top of my head, where every member older than 16 is getting 100''s of hydrocodones every month. Oh wait, make that 9, no 10, oh shiiiiiit, they're everywhere. What the hell can possibly be wrong with every member of the family that they all need pain meds all the time? And they usually all see the same doctor, does he not realize these people are related? Does he have any clue how many of these pills are sold on the street, and he just keeps writing the prescriptions and believing the the bullshit they feed him every month? Has he noticed that not one of them ever, and I do mean ever, made the prescription last for the whole month? He buys the bullshit lines, like, "I lost them", "I dropped them in the toilet" (just how does one do this on a monthly basis?), "I had a different pain, so I had to take more", "my friend had a pain some I loaned him some" etc etc etc ............, its all bullshit
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Crotchfruit Current mood: amused
Don't you just love that word? I saw it used in reference to the multiple children of a mother on welfare. Laughed my ass off. How am I ever going to keep a straight face for the next one who comes in sucking a starbucks and demanding that I fill her prenatal vitamins faster? Oh well, who cares, gotta laugh when you can, otherwise you'll find yourself in a small padded cell, drooling and wondering what fuck happened.
Have a happy wednesday

Monday, December 11, 2006
I need my Tranks Current mood: nauseated
I need my tranks. This is an actual customer statement. Nevermind that she has 4 drugs with tranquilizing effects on her profile and we have no idea which one she wants, or how she managed to drag her ass off the couch to get to the store, just get it. Or how 'bout the woman who calls every morning and asks "Do I have anything there?" Fuck if I know, did you call anything in? Then theres the 159 or so people who call, ask if the prescription is ready, and when told yes they ask, are you going to fill it? Duh! Today a lady asked me if I thought the generic version of her hormone pill was ok. Shes been taking it for 8 months now, so I told her if she hadn't gone nuts yet, she was probably ok. To her credit she got the joke and laughed instead of saying Huh?
Beer Day on Saturday and the pharmacy party on Sunday, better prepare my liver. Have a nice evening.

Thursday, December 07, 2006
I L..$ my job! @.$^%&*&^%%.$^&*()&^%.^%^&^
Yeah, right. Ok, I love some parts of my job, but who wants to hear about those things? I'd rather rant about the idiots, assholes, addicts, and other bothersome types. I'd rather ponder things like: How come so many hydrocodone users take their pills while standing over the toilet? How come they never drop the thyroid pills? Why can't they stretch those 240 tablets to last a whole month? And why are they all on public health programs? Because those with jobs can't afford addictions? And do they really think its a good idea to fax the doctor every 1/2 hour, or are they in danger of having their voice box ripped out with a spatula when they show up? Some people are still here only because its illegal to kill them. And I wonder how some people make through the day without killing themselves or someone else. The elderly will spend 15 minutes trying to figure out how to swipe their credit card correctly, yet they operated a 3000 pound machine in order to get to the store. They change the amount of medication they use because they think the doctor just doesn't do it right. then they blame the doctor and pharmacy when they are completely screwed up. And why, oh why, didn't anybody read about medicare part d before signing up? Why do they look at you like you're a complete asshole when you explain the doughnut hole? And why do they think its my fault when their insurance doesn't pay enough? Do I look like I'm making extra money ripping off old people? Don't answer that. And since I'm ranting, all sick days should have to be arranged in advance. No, you can't have time off for a case of pneumonia unless its approved by the scheduling office. If this is not possible, we should have the option of closing the pharmacy until a full staff is available to deal with the place. Ok, done for now. Oh, and a couple of good things happened today. A couple of customers expressed true appreciation for the effort given them. Hallelujah.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Monday, January 01, 2007

my job is going to cause a stroke

Friday was so bad it has taken me 2 days to get around to writing about it. Before I expand on that, I have to say the sunrise this morning is about as gorgeous as they get. Ok, back to friday. So it starts off with the information that the fill in tech who is supposed to cover the the closing shift apparently can't handle 8 hours at a time. Especially in a busy store. So he'll be coming in a couple hours late. And, by the way, the only spot he handles well is counting. So I was on the register and putting away the order. Pissed off already because they cut our hours so we are already working short handed and now this tech can't handle it, and is the busiest week of the month, and theres holidays which bring out the asshole in everybody. So I'm doing ok, endless line of people at the register, when this lady wants a box of sudafed. As I'm writing her name in the log book, she informs me that I have spelled her name wrong, using an i instead of e. I apologized, quickly, cuz theres a bunch more people in line, when she goes ballistic over it. She's yelling at me that it matters to her, blah. blah, blah. I had already said sorry, I wasn't going to kiss her ass too. By the time she got done being a bitch I was so pissed off that I went to the back corner and kicked a file box. It kept me from reaching across the counter and bitch slapping her. But before my blood pressure could come down from that one, I get one who unloads her damn groceries for me to ring up, and she wants them done seprately from her prescription. I point out the 7 or so people behind her and she could give a shit. So I rang up her fricking groceries and I'm litierally throwing her stuff into bags and shes all concerned about her greeting cards getting bent. Heres a clue for the dumbass: if you want your groceries bagged right, then go to checkstand like a normal person, and have the courtesy clerk do it. I'm trained to get your pills right, not how to pack your groceries. So her total is like $80.00 and she starts to ask me "Wasn't this on sale?", sees the look on my face and finally catches on. The woman is line behind her is by then making all kinds of comments about rude idiots holding up the line, etc. The whole day was just a series of these people. So its taken 2 days to get my neck muscles to relax enough to turn my head. Now if I could just figure out how to get the rest of me to relax.................